New Pilates circuits are now featured in the February edition of the Hubl Habit App. Grab your 2-4 lb hand weights and a resistance band, and tackle this quick circuit during your lunch break.@studioform.pilates
60 seconds of work with 15 seconds of rest in between each exercise. 2 laps through the entire sequence.
Extended reach pull down – static lunge (Left)
Extended reach pull down – static lunge (Right)
Chest opener + curl + curtsy lunge (Left)
Chest opener + curl + curtsy lunge (Right)
C-curve spine + flexed foot in and out
Resistance band glute bridge + in and out pulse
Resistance band + face down in and out pulses
Resistance band scissors + open close the legs
#hublhabit #hublhabitapp #pilates #cardiovascularhealth #reformerpilates #theclassplan #leanondigitalapps